Bloodstain – I Am Death



Do you remember the first time a piece of music really kicked your ass across the room? For me that would be when I first listened to Slayer’s “Hell Awaits” which I still consider their magnum opus. I was 13 years old and from that moment I came to love Thrash Metal so when this now 50 year old fart got a the chance to hear Bloodstain’s debut EP “I Am Death” before the releasedate I fondly remember just how that felt.

Ok, just to make it easy for you, dear reader: Bloodstain fucking rule, ok?! Think a potent, mix of Bay Area Thrash Metal, brilliant twin harmony guitars, a very powerful and tight rhythm section and aggressive yet melodic vocals. And the best part? The songs freaking slams (as the kids say nowadays. I think?)! Jesus H. Christ on a crack binge, I have a very hard time picking out a favourite song out of the six on display here but the Master of Puppets-influenced riffage of “Betray and Behold” makes me wanna headbutt the walls and slamdance and not even the sad reminder that headbanging without hair just isn’t the same can wipe the silly, happy smile from my face.

This is phenomenal stuff, dear Metalheads. To think that four of the guys were just 17 years old when recording this and, even more impressive: the band started out just last year. They sound like they’ve been around for years and years. I can hear influences from the likes of Death Angel, Heathen and Cyclone Temple, bands that I love to bits and I bet you that this EP indeed is going to kick someones gluteus maximus across the room,

The production by mixer Simon Johansson (Soilwork, Wolf) and producer Stefan Norgren (Sorcerer, Seventh Wonder) and the mix and the mastring by Ronnie Björnström is perfectly suited for the bands sound. Absolutely top notch in every detail.
“I Am Death” is one of the finest pieces of Thrash Metal I have heard for quite some time. These young guys are going places, let me tell you and it is going to be a pleasure to follow their trajectory towards the stars. This is a very strong 8.5/10 for me, Now I can’t wait to hear a full lenght album from these guys. Bring it on!

Artist: Bloodstain
Title: I Am Death
Rating: 8.5/10
Lable: Independent release
Releasedate: 2024-03-22
Standout tracks: Betray and Behold, Black Swan, I Am Death

Apple Music:

Bloodstain – I Am Death

March 24, 2024

Ok, just to make it easy for you, dear reader: Bloodstain fucking rule, ok?! Think a potent, mix of Bay Area Thrash Metal, brilliant twin harmony guitars, a very powerful and tight rhythm section and aggressive yet melodic vocals.

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