Loch Vostok – Opus Ferox II/Mark of the beast


A few years back Uppsalas Loch Vostok made a kind of a return with a new singer ; Jonas Radehorn and with that  a bit of a change soundwise. “Opus Ferox- The Great Escape” were released upon the world in the summer of 20221, and now the band unleashes the follow up.

Already from the get-go they got you by your throat with “Distant Assistant”, a furious thrashfest to start the album as  the following song “Cult status” is a more mellow song compared to the first one, riding along with a band like todays Evergrey in some parts, then the intricate prog parts start to appear which leaves namedropping of bands to the trashcans, this is technical progrock for those who might not like the most freaked out Progbands, to explain it “simple”.

There are twists and turns along the songs but somehow, they keep it to a few manic parts per songs. It seems like the band wanted your attention from the get-go and once they had slowed down but not as far as there will be lighters…. oh, sorry mobile phone flashlights in the crowds, but with “The great wide open” they tease the more accessible parts of the Loch Vostok world, without losing the focus and high standards.

Four songs in they bring you “Children of the Science” and I am very curious if they reach higher than this on the rest of the album. What a “Hit song”!

Then the band just explodes into “Senses” and you´re once again blown off your feet, before turning all melodic again. The track is a contender along “Children of science” to be the standout track of the album! I can see mayhem In the audience when its performed live. The complete halt of the chaotic song midway is pure genius  of ”Drastic measures”. It keeps the pace up and it leaves me to realise that on this album the similarities between Jonas vocals and Warell Dane is not too obvious, he might have found his own voice so to speak, of course one can still hear bits of the legendary Nevermore/Sanctuary singer during the album. But one could have worse role models. And it suits Loch Vostok just fine.

Seven songs in and I am raising the white flag waving it like mad! What is this! If you guys don’t get the recognition you deserve in the metal community after this album is released the world is indeed mad! The last three tracks must be cornerstones of every future live appearance that the band will make. I am totally knocked out and catching my breath with the fateful sounding  “Just like that”, an almost judgement day song. Going in for a steady landing they slow down a bit again after the fantastic middle part peak of songs, well that what they trick you to believe. They don’t play this kind of metal if they don’t put surprising parts in the songs, do they?

“Intricate modern progressive metal, a dynamic musical orgy in chaos and order,
with catchy chorus lines, without compromising the variety and dynamics they continue the new era with a fantastic implementation and raw energy.”
That is a short version of the press release that I think sums up the album. Now, there is a part three coming.

Opus Ferox II/Mark Of The Beast

Band: Loch Vostok
Title. Opus Ferox 2- Mark of the beast
Country: Sweden
Label: Vicisolum
Rate: 9/10
Stand out track: Children of science

Loch Vostok – Opus Ferox II/Mark of the beast

April 18, 2024

Seven songs in and I am raising the white flag waving it like mad! What is this! If you guys don’t get the recognition you deserve in the metal community after this album is released the world is indeed mad!

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